Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tara Zuardo, MHC Project Director, (415) 419-4210, tara@ttcf.net
Caroline Craffey, Communications Manager, (201) 788-8069, caroline@ttcf.net
Regional Housing Needs Survey Launched
Community Input Needed to Help Inform Short-and-Long-Term Solutions for All
TRUCKEE, Calif.— Today, the Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee (MHC), a project of the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, launched a new housing survey for employers and employees throughout the region in order to best assess the region’s housing needs. Survey results will provide an update on the key findings of the 2016 Truckee North Tahoe Regional Workforce Housing Needs Assessment and the more immediate impacts of COVID-19 on regional housing. They will also assist the MHC and partner agencies in developing appropriate housing strategies that are specifically tailored to neighborhoods throughout the region, as well as innovative strategies specific to solving the region’s unique housing needs.
“This information will be crucial in helping local governments, employers, and others prioritize what will best serve our local communities and their full-time, long-term housing needs, said Tara Zuardo, MHC’s Project Director. “It is crucial for our region and the individuals within it to have access to secure, diverse ranges of housing types in the community that they love and work in.”
The survey will be open through May 7, 2021, and can be accessed in Spanish and English through the buttons above.
Information will be collected anonymously and survey results will provide an update on the “Unmet Workforce Demand Estimate” section of the 2016 Regional Housing Needs Assessment in order to help those formulating housing solutions for the region determine what specific types of solutions are needed. General results will then also be shared (anonymously/confidentially) at community meetings, which are scheduled for late summer.
The MHC has contracted with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc (EPS) to conduct the surveys and Sierra Business Council to assist with public outreach and obtaining input, observations, and suggestions from residents, business owners, developers, community leaders, and others.
The Mountain Housing Council (MHC) is a regional collaboration of 28 partners that was started in 2017 as a group dedicated to accelerating housing solutions for Tahoe Truckee’s workforce. MHC seeks to ensure everyone working and living in the North Tahoe Truckee region has access to diverse and quality housing. In 2017, MHC developed an achievable local housing framework to define the range of unmet housing needs in the region and to show that there is a significant gap between income levels and housing prices.
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation
P.O. Box 366 Truckee, CA 96161
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Check Out MHC Partner Updates
We’ve created a new page on the MHC website where the 27 partners of the MHC can share their updates on progress made on various housing programs and policies. Check out the page and learn more about the new Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency too.