Below, please find several announcements and updates on upcoming events and other important news. Please share this news broadly with your members and email lists. We hope to see you soon!
Emergency Housing Proclamation Declared
Leaders of the MHC adopted an Emergency Proclamation Regarding Housing, noting that the current housing crisis is threatening the livelihood and character of the region. The proclamation aims to draw attention to this issue for community members, visitors, second homeowners, and state and federal elected officials. With it, the partnership is committed to supporting short-term actions, while also continuing to focus on long-term solutions.
10/22: Next MHC Quarterly Meeting
MHC’s next Quarterly meeting is on October 22nd, from 8-11 am, where we will be presenting the Regional Housing Implementation Plan. *Please note that partners will be asked to provide initial input on future implementation of the plan.*
While MHC Quarterly meetings are designed for partners, the public is welcome to attend. Registration Required. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series
All are held from 12-1pm and free to everyone
10/21: UC Davis Award-Winning Researcher Talks Fire-Resilient Housing
Wildfire touches nearly everyone who lives in our region (as well as throughout the state of California and increasingly the Western region). How do you make your home where disaster is a given? How do you learn to live with it?
Those questions are at the root of Michele Barbato’s research. He co-directs the UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center and is working on ways of building affordable homes that can withstand most of what the planet throws their way. On October 21st, from 12-1 PM, Dr. Barbato will be joining the MHC to specifically discuss how earthen construction can be used to increase wildfire resilience of homes and buildings. Register for this free webinar now.
11/15: Financing Affordable Housing in our Region
On November 15th, from 12-1 PM, Bill Roby, Executive Director of the El Dorado Community Foundation, and Jean Diaz, Executive Director of the Saint Joseph Community Land Trust, will join us to discuss community funding solutions. Register for this free webinar here.
Changes to Regional Short-Term Rental Ordinances
The Placer County Board of Supervisors will vote to adopt revisions to the Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance at its February 2022 Board of Supervisors meeting. County staff will study the impact of STRs on the housing market and workforce housing, and solicit input with various interest groups. The timeline for the process is as follows:

On September 29, 2021, Truckee Town Council approved an Urgency Ordinance 2021-06, establishing a 45-day moratorium on the issuance of new STR registration certificates. Town staff are proposing to analyze the following elements of the STR Ordinance and to report back to Truckee Town Council in January 2022:
- Summary of the STR program implementation (year 1 data)
- Analysis of STR landscape and policies in similar jurisdictions
- Future action regarding the management framework.
Nevada County Releases a Request for Proposals for Project Partners for Affordable Housing Development Projects
Nevada County is inviting proposals from qualified firms that can provide shovel ready projects to quickly expand affordable housing. Specifically, the County is seeking projects to develop:
- Multifamily Housing Development Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery
- Non-congregant Shelter Operations for Households Experiencing Homelessness
- Project Partners for Affordable Housing Development Projects
10/28: Next Phase of Housing Actions Begins for the Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group
The Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group will begin working on the next phase of housing actions with a discussion of intensity, density, and dimensional standards. The Working Group will be asked to provide initial input on a variety of concepts related to building height, number of units per development, and unit size that may better help the Region meet its affordable housing goals while maintaining and achieving environmental thresholds. The public is invited to attend the meeting and encouraged to provide input.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 28 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Register for the meeting and view materials here.
10/28 Next General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Meeting
The creation of a General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) was one of several opportunities for public participation supported by Council to involve a variety of stakeholders, community perspectives, and interests. The GPAC will play a critical role in developing an inclusive planning effort that ensures broad public participation. At the next meeting on October 28 (virtual), the Draft Climate Action Plan Element will be reviewed.
Visit our Projects in the Works page. There, you can filter projects by different categories and find out how to apply for housing at Coldstream Commons, Meadow View Place, and Frishman Hollow II.
If you missed last month’s MHC Quarterly Meeting, the highlights can be found here.
Volunteer with the MHC
Take an active role in our housing crisis by joining a Mountain Housing Council Working Group to advocate for achievable housing solutions for all. Contact to get involved.
Stay Up To Date With Local Housing Issues and Programs
Follow us on Facebook for weekly housing updates, news, and announcements. Check out our previous meetings for recent housing policy updates and progress; we’ve posted the meeting material from the January 15th MHC Quarterly Update on the website.
Check Out MHC Partner Updates
We’ve created a new page on the MHC website where the 27 partners of the MHC can share their updates on progress made on various housing programs and policies. Check out the page and learn more about the new Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency too.