Below, please find several announcements and updates on upcoming events and other important news. Please share this news broadly with your members and email lists. We hope to see you soon!

Join the Housing Discussion!
The Mountain Housing Councils Speaker Series Debuts in New Time Slot
In February, the Mountain Housing Council’s virtual speaker series will transition from the lunch hour to happy hour for several of our series in order to become more accessible to the public. You can join us from 4-5 or 12-1 PM, depending upon the webinar, to explore different housing-related topics with local and national experts through a live presentation and Q & A.
Upcoming content will include:
February 15, 4-5 PM
How New California Legislation Could Affect Zoning Restrictions & Housing in our Region
February 22, 12-1 PM
The Link between our Housing & Climate Crises
March 3, 4-5 PM
Can 3D Homes Help Solve the Housing Crisis?
March 16, 4-5 PM
Telluride’s Community Housing Pilot Program
Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance Updates
On August 31, 2021, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved an extension to the Urgency Ordinance moratorium on new STR permits until March 31, 2022. At the January 25th board meeting, staff requested making a number of changes in the form of an STR Ordinance amendment that you can view here.
Staff will next present another reading of the amendment to the Board at the February meeting and, if adopted, it would become effective within 30 days.
As you read in our October newsletter, Truckee Town Council approved the extension of the moratorium on the issuance of new Short-Term Rental (STR) registration certificates until June 15, 2022. The Town of Truckee is now undertaking a review and study of the Town’s STR program in order to inform Town Council on whether to make changes in response to the regional shortage of housing available to the local workforce. The updates being considered include the following three recommendations:
- A cap on the number of STR registration certificates issued
- The creation of a waiting period after a property sells before they can be eligible as an STR
- The phasing out of STRs in multi-family housing units
The information received in the survey that closed on January 24 will now be presented to the Truckee Town Council at its February 8 meeting. You can find out more about the program here.
Envision Tahoe Survey
The Tahoe Prosperity Center invites you to take a community-based survey to share your ideas to help improve regional community and economic diversification efforts in the Tahoe Basin. Your feedback will help make Lake Tahoe a place where people can live, work, play and thrive.
2022 Point in Time Count
As we prepare for our 2022 count, we are seeking business owners to help conduct the 2022 PIT Count by distributing surveys to any unhoused employees. The survey is expected to take 10 minutes or less, and will collect information on where the individual slept on the night of February 23rd. Learn more here and volunteer to help by emailing

Frishman Hollow II Accepting Applications
Frishman II is now open and offers 68 affordable apartments available for rent in Truckee near Alder Creek Middle School. One building is fully leased and another building is partially leased. Applications are currently being accepted. For more information, email
Meadow View Place is Complete
Meadow View Place is now open and offers 56 affordable apartments available to rent in Placer County near Schaffer’s Mill. To inquire about availability or obtain more information, email
To view additional projects recently completed or in the works, visit our Project in the Works page.
The theme of this year’s Housing California Conference on April 4-6, 2022 in Sacramento is “A Roadmap to a Better California,” with a focus on the “policies, advocacy, and actions needed to end CA’s housing and homelessness crisis, advance racial equity, and increase economic mobility for all Californians.”
Please let us know if you are interested in attending – you can find out more information about the conference here. Early bird discounted registration and lodging information is now available.
Make sure you read the highlights of our 29 diverse partners who are working to accelerate solutions to achievable local housing. Council Partners are encouraged to continue to update their progress on the Partner page in order to allow our community to stay engaged and aligned.
If you missed the last MHC Quarterly Meeting, January highlights will be online soon and December 2021 highlights can be found here.
Volunteer with the MHC
Take an active role in our housing crisis by joining a Mountain Housing Council Working Group to advocate for achievable housing solutions for all. Contact to get involved.
Stay Up To Date With Local Housing Issues and Programs
Follow us on Facebook for weekly housing updates, news, and announcements. Check out our previous meetings for recent housing policy updates and progress; we’ve posted the meeting material from the October 22nd MHC Quarterly Update on the website.
Check Out MHC Partner Updates
Visit MHC’s Partner Highlight Page to learn more about the progress our 29 partners are making on various housing programs and policies.