We have a lot of valuable information in this issue. Please take time to review these highlights and click on the links provided to read more.



Next Mountain Housing Council Quarterly Meeting: April 23rd

The agenda includes updates from MHC’s Working Groups, including an overview of MHC’s 2021-2022 Policy Platform by MHC’s Statewide Policy Working Group, along with preliminary data from the 2016 Housing Needs refresh. Meetings are designed for partners, but the public is welcome to attend.

Mountain Housing Council Quarterly Meeting
Friday, April 23, 2021, 8:00-11:00 AM
Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdOCprTkiHNxLZsYWnx849NfgnFWeU43M

Residential Rent Help is Here

Find out which program you qualify for, check eligibility, and apply today. Placer County residents go to RentHelpPlacer.com. Nevada County residents go to HousingisKey.com.


Housing on the Agenda

April 13th – Truckee Town Council Meeting,
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Location: Live Stream Truckee Town Hall

Agenda: The agenda includes a staff report on the 2021 Coburn Crossing Use Agreement. Approved as an “Alternative Equivalent Proposal,” the project is a useful test case for our region because it represents the first time units were designated to the local workforce rather than being restricted based on income requirements. It also includes a recommended approval of the Joerger Ranch Specific Plan amendments and a public hearing on the 2021 Development Code Update.

Access: The meeting is accessible to the public via live streaming via Tahoe Truckee Media online http://ttctv.org/live-meeting/town-of-truckee/ or cable TV channel 18. You can view the meeting while it is happening from your home computer: Click here while the meeting is taking place to view it live.

Public Comment: Comments will be accepted via email at truckee@townoftruckee.com until one hour prior to the start of the meeting and text or voice message at (530) 428-6555 on any item on the agenda until the Mayor closes public comment on each item. Click here for Additional Information and Public Comment.


Coldstream Commons Update

Good Morning Truckee will feature an update on Coldstream Commons, the 48-unit affordable housing project adjacent to Donner State Park expected to open this fall. Join the Truckee Chamber of Commerce Tuesday (4/13) from 7:30-8:30 am. Participate Via Zoom, view on on TahoeTruckeeMedia.org, or watch on Suddenlink Channel 18.

Truckee Artist Lofts Applications

Pre-application deadline extended until April 16, 2021. For more information, visit www.truckeeartistlofts.com and check out the recent Community Webinar with Moonshine Ink and the Town of Truckee.

New Housing Development at Former CA Highway Patrol (CHP) Site in Truckee

The State has selected the former California Highway Patrol (CHP) site in Truckee (1.72 acres of State-owned land) and awarded a contract to develop housing on the site as part of its obligation to identify excess state-owned land and pursue affordable housing. The Pacific Companies (TPC), which has already created several affordable housing developments in Truckee – such as Frishman Hollow I & II and Henness Flats – has been awarded the contract. The housing will be restricted to serve individuals and families earning no more than 80% of the area median income (or approximately $57,000 per year for a family of two in Nevada County). TPC and the State will now work with local partners to do public outreach with the local neighborhood and community over the next few months.


Volunteer with the MHC

Take an active role in our housing crisis by joining a Mountain Housing Council Working Group to advocate for achievable housing solutions for all. Contact Kristina@ttcf.net to get involved.

Stay Up To Date With Local Housing Issues and Programs

Follow us on Facebook for weekly housing updates, news, and announcements. Check out our previous meetings for recent housing policy updates and progress; we’ve posted the meeting material from the January 15th MHC Quarterly Update on the website.

Check Out MHC Partner Updates

We’ve created a new page on the MHC website where the 27 partners of the MHC can share their updates on progress made on various housing programs and policies. Check out the page and learn more about the new Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency too.

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