On Tuesday, June 14th, the Placer County Board of Supervisors will be voting on important housing code amendments that could make a huge difference when it comes to facilitating the creation of more local workforce housing. You can view the meeting agenda here.
The meeting will be open to in-person attendance and available on livestream. Public Comment will be opened for each agenda item, and citizens may comment virtually through a Zoom meeting webinar https://www.placer.ca.gov/boslive utilizing the “raise hand” function. If you choose to join the Zoom meeting via phone at 877-853-5247 (using the Webinar ID 967 0884 8446), please dial *9 to “raise hand” and queue for Public Comment.
Details: Housing-related code amendments:
- Updates to several housing development standards, such as parking, building heights, lot coverage, and an administrative permit process for caretaker and employee housing.
- Allowance for multifamily residential in commercial districts with design review.
- Standardized language across zone districts to clarify that residential dwelling density is based on the applicable general plan, specific plan, community or area plan, or master plan land use designation.
- New Mixed-Use Community Commercial Zoning District and Mixed-Use Land Use to provide a balance of housing and employment.
- Allowance for different types of Cluster Lot Development, as well as Moveable Tiny Houses, to provide more choices and a pathway to a greater variety of innovative and affordable housing options.
Other Housing-Related Meetings in June:
June 14: Truckee Town Council Meeting, 5pm
June 16: Truckee General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), 3:30pm
June 21: MHC Policy Working Group, 2pm
June 23: MHC Private Business Employers Housing Network, 12pm
June 28: Placer County Board of Supervisors, 9am