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Placer County Vote on Housing Related Code Amendments, June 14



On Tuesday, June 14th, the Placer County Board of Supervisors will be voting on important housing code amendments that could make a huge difference when it comes to facilitating the creation of more local workforce housing. You can view the meeting agenda here.

The meeting will be open to in-person attendance and available on livestream. Public Comment will be opened for each agenda item, and citizens may comment virtually through a Zoom meeting webinar https://www.placer.ca.gov/boslive utilizing the “raise hand” function. If you choose to join the Zoom meeting via phone at 877-853-5247 (using the Webinar ID 967 0884 8446), please dial *9 to “raise hand” and queue for Public Comment.

Details: Housing-related code amendments:

  1. Updates to several housing development standards, such as parking, building heights, lot coverage, and an administrative permit process for caretaker and employee housing.
  2. Allowance for multifamily residential in commercial districts with design review.
  3. Standardized language across zone districts to clarify that residential dwelling density is based on the applicable general plan, specific plan, community or area plan, or master plan land use designation.
  4. New Mixed-Use Community Commercial Zoning District and Mixed-Use Land Use to provide a balance of housing and employment.
  5. Allowance for different types of Cluster Lot Development, as well as Moveable Tiny Houses, to provide more choices and a pathway to a greater variety of innovative and affordable housing options.
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