Feb 24, 2023 | Housing, Newsletter, Workforce Housing
Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHT Highlights from the January Quarterly Council MeetingIn 2021, the MHC released a Regional Housing Implementation Plan that went beyond a traditional inventory of housing actions to include a blueprint for how a regional community like ours...
Sep 17, 2021 | Housing, MHC, My Take, Workforce Housing
Creative Solutions to Grow Housing Supply Written by: Trevor Husted New residents to the area and a housing shortage are creating even more of a demand to support the local workforce. Translate When I received a text message from my landlord notifying me that I had 60...
Sep 5, 2020 | Housing, Local, MHC, Workforce Housing
September 4, 2020 Stacy Caldwell, CEO Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Lately, I have been getting a lot of questions about how our housing challenges are changing in the Tahoe Truckee area since the pandemic. As the founder of our regional Mountain Housing Council...
Dec 5, 2019 | Accessory Dwelling Unit, Development, Housing, Local, Tiny Homes, Workforce Housing
Originally published in the Sierra Sun by Hannah Jones hjones@sierrasun.com Truckee is moving forward with plans to incentivize construction of accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, to provide more affordable housing stock in the town. The town currently has $2 million...
Nov 14, 2019 | Housing, Local, Workforce Housing
Originally published in Moonshine Ink, November 14, 2019 By Moonshine Ink Staff Question to both Seana Doherty and Chris Egger (whose response is linked here): Does the achievable local housing definition take attention and possibly funding away from those who most...
Nov 14, 2019 | Accessory Dwelling Unit, Development, Housing, Local, Mountain Community, Tiny Homes, Workforce Housing
Originally published in Moonshine Ink, October 10, 2019. By Jill Sanford The California State Legislature passed into law proposals brought forth by the Town of Truckee disallowing homeowners associations from regulating ADUs, validating an attempt to ease organic...