Jul 16, 2021 | MHC, Newsletter
We have a lot of valuable information in this issue. Please take time to review these highlights and click on the links provided to read more. IN THE SPOTLIGHT Translate The need for local achievable housing has never been greater, meanwhile, our jurisdictions and...
Jun 17, 2021 | Newsletter
We have a lot of valuable information in this issue. Please take time to review these highlights and click on the links provided to read more. IN THE SPOTLIGHT Translate The Regional Housing Needs Survey closed at the end of May – thank you to all who completed...
May 14, 2021 | Newsletter
We have a lot of valuable information in this issue. Please take time to review these highlights and click on the links provided to read more. IN THE SPOTLIGHT Translate Only One Day Left to Take the Housing Needs Survey Your input is crucial in helping policy makers,...
Apr 12, 2021 | Newsletter
We have a lot of valuable information in this issue. Please take time to review these highlights and click on the links provided to read more. IN THE SPOTLIGHT Translate Next Mountain Housing Council Quarterly Meeting: April 23rd The agenda includes updates from MHC’s...
Mar 25, 2021 | Housing, Newsletter
GETTING INVOLVED WITH BUILDING SMART Translate Truckee Sanitary District Changes to Scalable Connection FeeYour voices were heard! On March 18, in response to public comments, the Truckee Sanitary District (TSD) Board of Directors paved the way to update the...
Mar 16, 2021 | Newsletter
We are excited to share this week’s Achievable Local Housing news. HOUSING ACTION Translate Truckee Sanitary District Considers Connection Fees Changes That Could Impact Achievable Housing On March 18th, an important decision will be made when the TSD Board of...