Sep 1, 2020 | Development, Housing, Research
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is announcing a new grant funding challenge in September for the next Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) program. Up to $48 million in funding to be awarded to multidisciplinary project teams who can design and build a...
Jul 3, 2020 | Housing, Mountain Community
In late 2018, four North Tahoe-Truckee Special District leaders gathered during a break at a Mountain Housing Council meeting to discuss how they could work together to accelerate housing opportunities for their employees. How could they ensure that the nearly 2,000...
Mar 17, 2020 | Development, Housing
This article was originally published in the Sierra Sun by Hannah Jones on February 28, 2020. The Truckee Town Council has adopted a three-year pilot program aimed at encouraging the construction of Accessory Dwelling units, or ADUs, across town and increasing the...
Feb 20, 2020 | Housing, Placer County
Placer County’s Short-Term Rental Program establishes rules for vacation rentals in unincorporated areas of eastern Placer County. As of January 1, 2020, all short-term rentals in eastern Placer County (homes located above the 5,000-foot elevation) must...
Dec 16, 2019 | Accessory Dwelling Unit, Housing, Local, MHC, Mountain Community, Research, White Paper
Media Contact Emily Vitas 530-906-3810 For Immediate Release Mountain Housing Council Releases Accessory Dwelling Unit White Paper Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee’s most recent paper highlights accessory dwelling units as one of many...
Dec 5, 2019 | Accessory Dwelling Unit, Development, Housing, Local, Tiny Homes, Workforce Housing
Originally published in the Sierra Sun by Hannah Jones Truckee is moving forward with plans to incentivize construction of accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, to provide more affordable housing stock in the town. The town currently has $2 million...