Supporting Our Community

The Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee (MHC) is a project of the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation and brings together 29 diverse partners to accelerate solutions to achievable local housing.

The MHC’s goal is to build on the needs identified in the Truckee North Tahoe Regional Workforce Housing Needs Assessment and tackle the unique and pressing challenges of housing in the North Tahoe-Truckee region, including availability, variety, and affordability.

Housing Needs

In the North Tahoe-Truckee region, there is a need for housing at every income level, from homeless to middle-income salary earners.

One of the MHC’s goals is to help more people understand that there is a gap between affordable housing programs and available housing in the North Tahoe-Truckee region. People who fall into this gap make too much to qualify for affordable housing developments but too little to buy or rent market-rate homes.

Latest Updates

Newsletter: May 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHTCommunity Housing Needs Survey ClosedThe MHC received nearly 1,300 responses to its community housing needs survey, which closed on May 22. General...

Newsletter: April 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHT Take the Community Housing Needs Survey We want to hear from you. Please set aside 10 minutes to take the 2023 Community Housing Needs Survey. This...

Press Release: 2023 Regional Housing Needs Survey Launched

Employee/ResidentEmployerFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, April 13, 2023 CONTACT Nicole Reitter,, 530.448.3382 Translate Regional Housing Needs Survey...

Newsletter: April 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHT Take the Community Housing Needs Survey We want to hear from you. Please set aside 10 minutes to take the 2023 Community Housing Needs Survey. This...

Press Release: 2023 Regional Housing Needs Survey Launched

Employee/ResidentEmployerFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, April 13, 2023 CONTACT Nicole Reitter,, 530.448.3382 Translate Regional Housing Needs Survey...

Newsletter: February 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHTHighlights from the January Quarterly Council MeetingIn 2021, the MHC released a Regional Housing Implementation Plan that went beyond a traditional...

Press Release: 2023 Regional Housing Needs Survey Launched

Employee/ResidentEmployerFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, April 13, 2023 CONTACT Nicole Reitter,, 530.448.3382 Translate Regional Housing Needs Survey...

Newsletter: February 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHTHighlights from the January Quarterly Council MeetingIn 2021, the MHC released a Regional Housing Implementation Plan that went beyond a traditional...

Newsletter: September 2022

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHTTuesday, September 20 @5pm: Truckee Planning CommissionItems on Agenda include Soaring Ranch Phase 3. Thursday, September 22 @12pm: Employers Housing...

Newsletter: May 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHTCommunity Housing Needs Survey ClosedThe MHC received nearly 1,300 responses to its community housing needs survey, which closed on May 22. General...

Newsletter: April 2023

Translate IN THE SPOTLIGHT Take the Community Housing Needs Survey We want to hear from you. Please set aside 10 minutes to take the 2023 Community Housing Needs Survey. This...

Press Release: 2023 Regional Housing Needs Survey Launched

Employee/ResidentEmployerFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, April 13, 2023 CONTACT Nicole Reitter,, 530.448.3382 Translate Regional Housing Needs Survey...

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