Area Median Income

Area Median Income (AMI) is the household income for the median – or the middle – household in a region. The US Department of Urban Development (HUD) publishes this data annually for regions; data varies by household size. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) makes minor adjustments based on regional factors to these numbers prior to publishing.

Use of State Income Limits are subject to a particular program’s definition of income, family, family size, effective dates, and other factors. In addition, definitions applicable to income categories, criteria, and geographic areas sometimes differ depending on the funding source and program, resulting in some programs using other income limits.

Annual Incomes by AMI for Nevada County Residents (2022)

Nevada County income limits range from acutely low at $10,350 for one person up to $260,313 for a household of five people at 245% AMI. The median is set at a 4-person household.

Nevada County
2022 AMI

Income Level: 1 Person Household

  • Acutely Low (up to 15% AMI) – $10,350 95% 95%
  • Extremely Low (up to 30% AMI) – $20,650 85% 85%
  • Very Low (up to 50% AMI) – $34,450 75% 75%
  • Low (up to 80% AMI) – $55,100 60% 60%
  • Median (up to 100% AMI) – $68,900 50% 50%
  • Moderate (up to 120% AMI) – $82,650 40% 40%
  • Upper Middle (up to 170% AMI) – $117,130 15% 15%
  • Upper Middle (up to 195% AMI) – $134,355 5% 5%
  • Upper Middle (up to 245% AMI) – $168,805 0% 0%

Income Level: 4 Person Household

  • Acutely Low (up to 15% AMI) – $14,750 5% 5%
  • Extremely Low (up to 30% AMI) – $29,500 15% 15%
  • Very Low (up to 50% AMI) – $49,200 25% 25%
  • Low (up to 80% AMI) – $78,700 40% 40%
  • Median (up to 100% AMI) – $98,400 50% 50%
  • Moderate (up to 120% AMI) – $118,100 60% 60%
  • Upper Middle (up to 170% AMI) – $167,280 85% 85%
  • Upper Middle (up to 195% AMI) – $191,880 95% 95%
  • Upper Middle (up to 245% AMI) – $241,080 100% 100%

Source:  2022 California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) with additional levels computed by MHC based on a percentage of area median income. 

HCD methodology does not always equal a % of area median family income. Percentages indicated here are approximates.

Annual Incomes by AMI for Placer County Residents (2022)

Placer County income limits range from acutely low at $10,750 for one person up to $270,480 for a household of five people at 245% AMI. The median is set at a 4-person household.

Placer County
2022 AMI

Income Level: 1 Person Household

  • Acutely Low (up to 15% AMI) – $10,750 93% 93%
  • Extremely Low (up to 30% AMI) – $21,300 83% 83%
  • Very Low (up to 50% AMI) – $35,500 73% 73%
  • Low (up to 80% AMI) – $56,750 57% 57%
  • Median (up to 100% AMI) – $71,550 52% 52%
  • Moderate (up to 120% AMI) – $85,850 42% 42%
  • Upper Middle (up to 170% AMI) – $121,635 17% 17%
  • Upper Middle (up to 195% AMI) – $139,523 7% 7%
  • Upper Middle (up to 245% AMI) – $175,298 0% 0%

Income Level: 4 Person Household

  • Acutely Low (up to 15% AMI) – $15,350 5% 5%
  • Extremely Low (up to 30% AMI) – $30,400 15% 15%
  • Very Low (up to 50% AMI) – $50,650 27% 27%
  • Low (up to 80% AMI) – $81,050 45% 45%
  • Median (up to 100% AMI) – $102,200 47% 47%
  • Moderate (up to 120% AMI) – $122,650 57% 57%
  • Upper Middle (up to 170% AMI) – $173,740 82% 82%
  • Upper Middle (up to 195% AMI) – $199,290 92% 92%
  • Upper Middle (up to 245% AMI) – $250,390 100% 100%

Source:  2022 California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) with additional levels computed by MHC based on a percentage of area median income.  HCD methodology does not always equal a % of area median family income. Percentages indicated here are approximates.

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