Housing Assistance

Dial 2-1-1

Community members in need of assistance should connect to Connecting Point 2-1-1 here or by dialling 2-1-1. If you face housing insecurity, we can connect you to HUD’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which ensures that those who need housing services the most, will have access first. We can also provide referrals to emergency shelter, food, healthcare, transportation, legal assistance and other resources.

Rental and Utility Assistance

Sierra Community House provides rental and utility payment assistance, homeless outreach, education on renters rights, conflict resolution and legal assistance with housing issues.

Placer County offers help with rent to low and very low-income families, people with disabilities, and seniors.

Project GO Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP): Provides financial assistance in the form of an annual (once every 12 months) utility payment for gas, electric, propane or firewood to help with the high costs of heating and/or cooling.

Project GO Emergency Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP): Provides financial assistance in the event of a crisis, such as a 48-hour shut-off notice.

Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD) Energy Savings Program (ESP): Qualifies low-income TDPUD electricity payer to receive one month’s electricity bill free (up to $200) after completing an energy audit with TDPUD. Apply through the Sierra Community House (call 530-587-2513).

Home Rehabilitation Assistance

Home Rehabilitation/Health and Safety Repairs Assistance: If you are a low-income or senior homeowner in the region, you may apply for financial assistance with health and safety repairs.

Upgrade Assistance

Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Upgrade Assistance

Project GO Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP): Provides free weatherization services and products to improve energy efficiency and reduce overall utility costs anywhere in the region.

GSFA (Golden State Finance Authority) Residential Energy Retrofit Program: Provides financing up to $50,000 with a 6.5% fixed interest rate, 15-year fully amortizing loan for homeowners making energy efficiency improvements to residential property(ies) they own. 100% financing is available and no equity requirements on property.


Emergemcy Housing Guide for Seniors



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